Cattle Decapitation "Monolith of Inhumanity" CD

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01. The Carbon Stampede
02. Dead Set On Suicide
03. A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
04. Forced Gender Reassignment
05. Gristle Licker
06. Projectile Ovulation
07. Lifestalker
08. Do Not Resuscitate
09. Your Disposal
10. The Monolith
11. Kingdom of Tyrants

"Monolith of Inhumanity", the follow-up to 2009's monumental "The Harvest Floor", shows Cattle Decapitation continuing right where they left off. The musical evolution of the band continues with just enough changes to keep the listener on their toes throughout the blast, gore and eerily melodic proceedings. "Monolith…" will continue to cement Cattle's legacy as one of the most influential and important bands in extreme music. As puts it: "Cattle Decapitation have the sort of skills that put them squarely at the head of grind's noisy pack."

Metal Blade Records item #150942
Code: Cattle-Flesh-2017

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